e- cig products
See below for reviews of the recommended brands. I strongly urge you to concentrate on the first two products listed and thoroughly read my recommendations before going to the product website and placing an order. It will save you time, money and aggravation and will enhance your chances of success.
The #1 product in all categories is the LavaTube available at www.volcanoecigs.com. They just released Version 2.5 which has additional important features such as variable wattage in addition to variable voltage. That variability will help to optimize the experience depending on the heating element setup you prefer and increase the life of the consumables (replacement cartomizers). Update 08/20/14. Just ordered the new BCT Tank from Volcano which promises to be an improvement over the traditional Tube Tank with foolproof no cartridge priming technology. Will update after I try it, but I have used the Inferno BCT Tank and found that to be an improvement. I think this will be better for the novice. Update at 10/2/13. Got the Version 2.5 and have been using it for half a day, still learning but it seems like a major improvement over Version 2.0. Substantially more control and it seems that the voltage and wattage settings properly applied will improve taste and vapor production and will also improve tube tank cartomizer (heating element) life. There is no price increase over Version 2.0.
This is absolutely the best device available on the market today. The LavaTube is the physically largest commercially available vaping device which may pose some discomfort for some users (nearly 8 inches long and 3/4" thick), so most people would need to supplement it with a more portable device for on the go vaping. Had I discovered the LavaTube when I first started my journey into e-cig usage, I would have saved a lot of money. LavaTube is a variable voltage device that you can adjust on the fly to vary the taste and vapor production to your liking. It takes a bit of effort to learn how to use it properly, but the experience makes it well worth it.
So save your money and buy the LavaTube. Pick any color, they all cost the same, with a 7ML chrome tube tank and buy at least 10 extra 3 ohm cartomizer replacements (they vary in useful life, depending on the voltage you use, but they also have a high rate of defect and they don't accept returns on those). It is not cheap but in the end, I cannot imagine that you will not be satisfied. The mini e-cog offerings (like the Volcano Magma e-cig) will not be your best choice to supplement the LavaTube. You will be better off with the v2cigs line of products http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html (use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off).as a supplemental portable device.
I have met some people who have other variable voltage devices, some are more expensive. I have not tested Provari but it comes highly recommended by may pro vapers. Also, you can supplement the LavaTube with the Inferno, which is a similar experience without the variable voltage aspect. I don't bother recommending any other brand at this point. Volcano LavaTube (as well as the inferno) just work well. It's a bit of effort to get the tube tank thing right but well worth it for the experience.
Volcano e-cigs www.volcanoecigs.com
You should benefit from my experience and go straight for the best. It is a little bit of work and sometimes frustrating because of quality and maintenance issues, but tank systems offer the best combination of convenience, taste and duplication of the tobacco smoking experience. (The new BCT Tank promises to solve many of these issues.)Some vapers prefer to "drip" which is much more labor intensive but supposedly a better experience. I do not care for dripping, either in taste or user experience. Even the best popular simple battery and pre-filled cartomizer experience does not come close to tank systems used with quality e-juices.
My current rankings of basic mini e-cig systems are as follows:
#1 v2cigs http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html - use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off. (I am an affiliate)
#2 bluecigs www.blucigs.com (No affiliate relationship) although you may be better off with the Volcano Magma which uses the same threading and can interchange cartridges. bluecigs tend to have short battery life, but their disposables are quite good.
#3 South Beach Smoke http://www.southbeachsmoke.com/?A=2323. (I am an affiliate
)#4 ProSmoke http://www.prosmokestore.com/affiliates/jrox.php?id=480_1. (I am an affiliate)
#5 The Magic Mist - www.themagicmist.com starter kit with Vertigo cartridges, tobacco or menthol only (same battery threads as V2)
#6 e-cig.com http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970 (I am an affiliate)
The purpose of this website is to introduce smokers to the pleasures of vaping and help save lives. My purpose is not to sell e-cigs and I am busy with my day job, so I don't have time to do extensive reviews and tell you about everything. Go searching the web for the best thing for you. Look at all of the products linked on my webite. It is not such an easy task and while you could save money over tobacco cigarette, if you want to keep trying new things to find the ultimate vaping experience, you will spend a bunch of money. However, the rewards are immense. Getting off tobacco smoking while still enjoying the experience to me is well worth the effort and expense. I have introduced the easiest transition but for the ultimate experience, I recommend the tank systems. They provide the best taste and vaping experience, but require effort and even a degree of skill which you will develop over time.This is not a one shot deal. If you try one brand and don't like it and then you give up, this is a pointless exercise. You need to have a strong desire to stop smoking tobacco and you need to be afraid of it.
I highly recommend that you purchase several brands of e-cigs. You have spent many thousands of dollars on cigarettes, so a few hundred more to help you get off of tobacco is a worthwhile investment, for sure. I am not trying to get you to buy more so I can earn commissions, but I will donate my commissions to charities. As far as I am concerned you can go buy them anywhere and any way you want to. I just really want to save lives more than anything. I have seen cigarettes get too many people sick and I don't want to see it any more. Cigarette smoking will be totally passe in a matter of months. My goal is a smoke-free society by the year 2015 but I am optimistic that it will happen sooner. Look, I am 57 years old and I have been smoking since before it was legal for me to do so which back then we did not really know how foolish it was. I really could not give up my pacifier and my nicotine, no matter how much I tried with cold turkey, gums, lozenges and patches. I like Camel snus as a smoking substitute for times I could not smoke, like on a plane, but they are harmful in many ways and no substitute for smoking. E-cigs are the only thing that ever worked for me.
There are several reasons why you should maintain multiple brands: 1) you need to test different brands and decide which one you like the best; 2) you never want to run out of cartridges and sometimes your favorite brand may be unavailable when you need it (the industry is not mature and the sellers really have trouble anticipating demand to carry adequate inventories); 3) you may get bored with your main selection sometimes and be tempted to smoke an analog, having multiple brands will make the process entertaining and fun and; 4) I am not sure that the manufacturing quality is consistant and you may get duds from time to time. I also like to carry several different e-cigs with me at all times, so I can switch off different flavors quickly without removing and replacing cartridges. You need a backup for your e-cigs just as much if not more than you need one for your computer data files. Always think fail-safe! Never be tempted to smoke an analog again! You can carry 4 or five batteries with cartridges of different flavors if you wish and they take up much less space than a pack of cigarettes.
If you are adventurous, try the tank systems, I find those to be the most satisfying alternatives. They are however a lot of work. They are difficult to use properly and prone to malfuntion and leakage, which is why I am reluctant to recommend them to a novice, as I want you to be successful at this. If you are willing to spend money and try new things, please by all means, check out the ego-t tank system http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970 or http://extreme-vapor.com/ and the Volcano e-cigs Magma tank system www.volcanoecigs.com.
I am doing this primarily as a public service and all of my commissions from this website will be donated to charities. Please click my links if you are interested in buying these products. If you shop around at other websites or search engines, I won't get a commission, so please help me reach more smokers. Of course you are under no obligation whatsoever, except to yourself, your health and your family. Use whatever works for you, just get off of tobacco as soon as you can.
v2cigs - http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html - use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off.
Important advice on v2cigs usage: Notwithstanding the fact that v2cigs are, in my opinion, the best mini e-cig on the market today, in order to achieve real success with the product, I strongly advise purchasing e-liquid once you have decided on your favorite flavor. Filling brand new pre-filled cartridges with the same flavor (not necessarily the same nicotine strength) will enhance your vaping experience by multiples. For some users. it may be the difference between success and failure. Read up on the website for instructions on filling cartridges with e-liquid. I have found the "lanyard method" to be the most effective. The entire process is one that you have to learn and grow into. It becomes similar to how you like your coffee, everyone is different.
I received my order on 2/27/12 and the vapor output is nothing short of amazing. This product is a real winner! It also has the best throat hit (the tingle you get in the back of your throat when you smoke tobacco) which really mimics the experience of tobacco smoking. This is a PG based product which I can tell you produces stronger vapors than VG. It sports a blue light which is nice but not quite as classy as the light on the South Beach Smokes. It works great but has dismal cartridge life so I am hard pressed to give it a top rating, even though I believe that I may use this more than any other device I own, unless I experience anything negative from the PG. This is a truly amazing and very cool looking device,
V2 also has the new leak proof sealed EX cartridges. Those last longer and are generally more efficient than traditional pre-filled cartridges, but they are not perfect. In any event, my favorite flavor is coffee and that does not come in the EX line.
V2 now offers the V2 Pro line that has some very cool features including loose leaf (ostensibly there are those who will use it for marijuana maybe, I am not familiar with that) and essential oils (hash oil? I really don't know, just guessing). I ordered one and I am waiting for it to use with traditional e-liquid. Will update after I try it out for a bit.
Get a 10% discount for ALL V2 Cigs merchandise, including kits, cartridges, and accessories by using the coupon code wallstreetvapors or wsv110 . Please use this link http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html to place your order.
FLAVORS: They offer several flavors that copy popular cigarette brands. I am not a menthol guy so I did not try it. The flavors I have are Sahara which mimics Camel, Red which mimics Marlboro and, Congress which mimics Parliament. I also got Cherry which tastes a bit like cough syrup to me but perhaps I will get used to it. I ordered the Coffee flavor and a Cherry with zero nicotine (my wife liked the taste of the cherry and she does not use nicotine). None of these are real tobacco, but believe me, once you get used to the experience, you will hate the smell of tobacco smoke and the thought of smoking an analog will be repulsive. I tried several other flavors recently. Chocolate is very good and quite similar to the South Beach but stronger. I found Vanilla to be too sweet as well as the Cola. These are all matters of personal taste and if the flavors interest you, you should try them as there is not much to lose. The forums seem to be fairly universal on the fact that these cartidges don't last long. My most recent order has cartridges with improved life. Improved since my first order, but they never life up to the manufacturer claims because every smoker uses it differently.
HEALTH OBSERVATION: The jury is not out yet on the healthiness of the PG (I purposely avoid using the word safety). Earlier, I wrote that I had been coughing a bit while using these, but I think it was something else as the cough went away. There is no point in vaping and coughing, it defeats the purpose to me but I am no longer seriously concerned about it. Still, it is well known that PG is harsher on the throat than VG. I will still use the South Beach for variety and also to compare if the VG is less disturbing than the PG. The promoters of VG (used in South Beach) claim that it is healthier than PG (used in v2cigs) so you should take that into consideration if this brand interests you.
REVIEWS: The reviews of this product are nothing short of incredible. There are many YouTube reviews and they are all positive.
STARTER KITS: The V2 Ultimate Kit that I bought comes with 3 batteries, assorted flavors to of your choice, cases, chargers and a V2 Power Cig device that you need to keep plugged in to your computer to get power (very powerful indeed, super thick vapors).
ACCESSORIES: The carrying cases that come with the starter kits are rather lame and not compatable with all battery sizes. Frankly, all of the carrying cases for all of the e-cigs are a bit silly and an industry will probably crop up to address that, like cell phone cases. I just ordered a new soft carrying case from them that looks like it will be a winner. You can buy an adapter from v2cig for $3.95 that will allow you to attach a v2cig cartridge to your South Beach or the batteries of other listed brands.
AVAILABILITY: They ran out of one or two replacement flavors/strengths that I wanted but I was able to find a suitable substitute. There are alternatives if they run out. V2 (as well as South Beach) compatible cartridges are available on www.themagicmist.com. I tested Magic Mist cartidges for both South Beach and v2cigs. They are not bad, the v2 replacement tasting better than the South Beach imitation. The Magic Mist replacement actually lasts much longer that the V2 branded cartridges, but there is no variety, only tobacco and menthol. Everyone's taste is different, so you may like these better than the originals. I actually much prefer the Magic Mist cartridges over the tobacco flavors of the V2. I prefer the V2 flavors of Coffe, Chocolate and Vanilla, again all a matter of taste. The only tobacco flavor of V2 that I enjoy now is the Sahara and I no longer enjoy Red or Congress.
CONS: None anymore that I can see, at least for me. I previously experienced dismal and inconsistent cartridge life and users on forums also reported the same issue. However, my latest batch is extraordinary and the cartridge life is definitely reasonable. Please do not ever expect the cartridge life to live up to manufacturer claims, they are so higly dependent on smoking habits and they all seem to exaggerate cartridge life. It could very well be that their claims are accurate based on number of puffs or nicotine ingestion. However, you will likely puff more on e-cigs, just because you will not be restricted to occasional smoking breaks, so you will definately be using more. Also, a cartridge may be usable but the taste deteriorates over time, even if it still produces vapor, and that is consistent accross the board with all brands. My estimate is that if you are a pack a day smoker, you will use as many a 3 cartridges a day at a total average cost of $7, maybe 2 if you nurse them. If you purchase a 40 cartridge combo at $65 plus shipping, that comes to less than $2 per cartridge and using 4 per day will still cost less than a pack of cigarettes Still, even if this winds up costing the same as tobacco, you will not regret it. It will definitely not cost more unless you keep buying new toys like I do.
South Beach Smoke http://www.southbeachsmoke.com/?A=2323.
You can also call 1-877-40VAPOR (877-408-2767) Mention Promo Code 2323. This is VG based and it is an excellent vaping experience very similar to actual cigarette smoking, in my opinion. You should get the Deluxe as it is the only way to go with this product. The Deluxe is the two piece design which is considered better that the three piece. Also try the manual battery that enhances the volume of vapor. In my opinion, this is the perfect starter for a novice. Also, while I do enjoy the v2cig more, this is a VG (vegetable glycerin) based product that is much less harsh, which some people may like better. However, as of 3/11/12 they are experiencing seriours supply issues which they promise to be correcting that momentarily.
FLAVORS: I enjoyed the tobacco flavor, but they seem to have changed the formula and I don't care for it now. I have replaced my standing order with the chocolate 16mg full flavor which I have come to enjoy. I also tried the cherry 0 mg no nicotine and I like it very much. It has a robust cherry flavor but of course it has no nicotine. I use the zeros after I have acheived my full nicotine fix, just to placate my oral fixation. I also tried the chocolate 0 mg no nicotine and I found it to be quite bland, not usable to me at all. You need to see for yourself if you like any of the flavors.
TECHNICAL: The light is very classy, made from crystal-like glass with an orange glow that perhaps looks too much like a real cigarette. It is also fragile if dropped on a hard surface (I dropped on on the bathroom floor and the crystal cracked, but it still functions). The carrying case holds both sizes of battery and a mini USB charger that can be plugged into a computer or USB wall adapter, but the portable charging case does not close with the large battery although it does charge it.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: My personal experience with South Beach Smoke is that they have great customer service. They ran out of stock of all types of cartridges for a while but now they have replenished their inventory. I am very lucky that I have other brands to use. This points to another reason why you should own multiple brands of e-cigs, so that you always have a backup and are never tempted to smoke an analog again.
Replacement cartridges are available at www.themagicmist.com that are not the South Beach brand but fit the South beach batteries. The Magic Mist replacement for South Beach is not so great to me but the v2cig replacement is much better and you can jury rig the South Beach to use a v2 cartridge with a $4 device you get from v2 and then use either the v2 or The Magic Mist v2 replacements on the South Beach battery. Sounds complicated? It really is not, it just requires a little bit of thinking and planning.
OTHER DETAILS: It seems that you can't lose with this, because if you don't like their cartidges or they are out of stock, you can buy an adapter from v2cig for $3.95 that will allow you to attach a v2cig cartridge to your South Beach battery, very cool indeed. It works with a v2cig cartridge but the experience is not as good as a straight compatible battery. Smokers don't have patience, but this process does require patience until you find your zone.
ProSmoke http://www.prosmokestore.com/affiliates/jrox.php?id=480_1.
I have developed a new appreciation for ProSmoke as their flavors are quite nice. Their flavors all taste like nicely flavored mild pipe tobacco or flavored cigars, not just like tuty fruity like other brands. This is a smaller device (mini e-cig) with a blue light so it is obviously not a cigarette. It is also VG based. It produces a lot of vapor but the feeling may not be enough like smoking for some users, as I never noticed a "throat hit" sensation. Also, you need to draw quite hard to build up a reasonable cloud of vapor. I enjoy them in between South Beach and V2 uses.
FLAVORS:They have great flavors but there is confusion in that the cartridges all look the same and have no flavor or strength labels. They have announced that they have corrected this problem with new shipments that will have color coded corks. This does not solve the problem as once you place the cartridge on the device, there is no visual way to tell what flavor it is. I did not like the tobacco flavor but the other flavors are excellent. I ordered some non-nicotine cartridges so I will use this more for just puffing around upon reaching nicotine saturation. My wife likes the non-nicotine cartridges as a substitute for her sugary lollipop habit. I found no noticable difference in taste between the full nicotine cartridges and those with no nicotine.
TECHNICAL: This is a three piece design that requires cleaning. It has a long battery life and is a 3 piece design rather than 2 piece like most other brands. I am beginning to appreciate the three piece design as the atomizer is designed to last a long time versus the two piece design (the cartidges are thus called "Cartomizers" combining the words "cartridge" and "atomizer".
COST: ProSmoke is the hands down winner in this category. The cartridges last a long time and because of the three piece design and the fact that the cartidges do not need an atomizer, the cartridges cost like 18% to 30% less than other brands.
If you are a heavy smoker, maybe this should not be your first choice, but it tastes good and is a worthwhile toy. The cartidge and battery life are both outstanding. I use this around 20% of the time and I prefer to use it while driving as it is small, light and the flavors have a nice but subtle scent. This is more the device I use for no-nicotine vaping as the flavors and feel are virtually identical to the nicotine cartridges, sans the nicotine.
eGo Tank System
I ordered a starter kit from http://extreme-vapor.com/. This is a whole different trip than e-cigs from an appearance and convenience perspective. It is a substantially larger pen-like device, sort of like a tapered shape cigar with a pipe like tip and it uses e-liquid instead of cartridges. They are a U.S. based supplier and are very responsive with excellent delivery times, This is something to pick up once you have experience if you like to fuss.
My initial testing indicates that this device produces tremendous vapor. At first it tasted absolutely horrible to me. Then I discovered that the taste appears to have come from the emission of fumes in the packing materials, not a really good thing for such a taste sensitive product. It requires break-in. I have just used it for a few days. I aired it our and started to break it in. I must say that the vapor production is extraordinary. The taste of the e-liquids they sent are actually quite good now that the device is broken in. You are not stuck with extreme-vapor and you can purchase e-liquids elsewhere to your liking. Remember, this product requires a break-in period and considerable fussing, all of which I think are worth the trouble.
Extreme Vapor does not have an affiliate program and I will not earn a commission, but I think it is a great product if you don't mind fussing with liquids and a power button. I don't like to use it while driving as it is not automatic. If you like a strong vapor and you enjoy smoking while driving v2cigs may be a better choice.
e-cig.com http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970
I ordered a USB e-cig that you basically can only use while it is plugged in, but promises an uninterrupted and powerful vaping experience (similar to the V2 Power Cig described above). They have many other interesting e-cig products and unique custom cartridge combinations. They offer a combination of PG and VG, as well as both separately. They claim the combination enhances the experience. They are in China and it takes a long time to get delivery, but they have a very wide selection of products. I ended up with an imitation of Marlboro without nicotine and I don't quite remember ordering non-nicotine. It tastes like some kind of sweet desert you might get in a Chinese restaurant and I can't quite place the flavor, sort of a sweet spice, nothing like Marlboro to me. This device is nowhere near as effective as the V2cigs Power Cig, The cord is quite short and the device looks cheap. The vapor is very strong. The main reason to go with this are the flavor varieties. They also have regular portable e-cig devices. There is a huge selection of flavors and strength combinations and they even have herbal and vitamin infused cartridges. I just don't have the time or resources to keep buying and trying more.
blu cig www.blucigs.com
I removed bluecigs from my not recommended list. I was originally dissapointed but it seems that the starter kit had contaminated cartridges due to the fact that assorted flavors were packed together. I ordered a basic starter kit to try it. Lots of publicity around this brand. You can buy a disposable at Walgreens so it could make it easy to try. They are very efficient in their order processing and seem to be faster than the other guys in delivery. They are nice looking cute little things, even smaller than ProSmoke and generate reasonable vapors, I had originally planned to return the starter kit under the 30 day money back guarantee, but instead I ordered new cartridges and I like them. If you want to try it, go ahead but if you can order only one flavor, you will stand a better chnace of having success with this brand, I do believe that V2cigs are far superior.
Electronic Pipe - At www.lingosbox.com, I ordered the Stylish Electronic Pipe in Deluxe Package (E-Pipe 601). I highly recommend this product but it may be in your best interest to shop for it elsewhere. You need to Google e-pipe and see all of the brands and reviews. Lot's of You Tube reviews (http://youtu.be/72S4lhXNl80)
I used to smoke a pipe many years ago and I am excited to try a healthier alternative now.It finally arrived exactly one month after I ordered it. It is quite a remarkable vaping device. Very nice looking, just like a real tobacco pipe (which I think is a plus in the case of a pipe, a minus with an e-cig as socially, vaping is more acceptable than cigarette smoking, but using a pipe is a rather private endeavor). It is a bit too heavy for me and really cannot be held in the mouth. You must hold it in your hand, not ideal for driving but nice to kick back on a lounge chair in slippers and a smoking jacket like Fred McMurray. Just using the battery with the existing pre-charge, the vapor production is good. Most remarkable is the taste of the cartridges it came with. Amazingly like woody flavor pipe tobacco and to me no discernable difference. The extras they sent were Apple, not Tobacco as I had ordered, but I was pleasantly surprised that the flavor is also outstanding.
While they have good prices, their delivery times to the U.S. are really slow. Furthermore, it was delivered with a Asian style electrical plug. If you travel a lot and have electrical travel adapters you will be okay, otherwise you will need to make a trip to your local luggage store to get one. This may not be a problem unique to Lingosbox, I don't know about other sellers. Their delivery times are absolutely insanely long and if you want a pipe quickly, I recommend that you look for someone who ships from the USA with shorter delivery times. I am willing to wait an extra week sometimes, but a full month is beyond anything reasonable and I cannot recommend the seller, unless you just want it for the novelty and are willing to wait to get the lower price.
A possible better U.S. based alternative supplier www.store.e-cigarette-usa.com/Electronic-Pipe_c13.htm. I placed an order for replacement cartridges and I will let you know how it works out. I also applied for an affiliate relationship and I am awaiting approval. They also have the eGo Tank System mentioned above and all accessories and reasonable prices.
Electronic Cigars - There are also e-cigars on the market, but they originally did not excite me much, they look like wooden sticks. At least the pipes really look like pipes. I ultimately did purchase an electronic cigar and I found the taste to be quite authentic Try www.store.e-cigarette-usa.com/
Other products worth looking at, some that I tested, others waiting on orders and some that I just looked at online. I want to help ensure your success in this process so I recommend you keep trying until you find satisfaction. At the moment, I do not have any affiliate relationship with the following vendors and no commissions are earned from them:
Vapor4Life www.vapor4life.com/home.php cartridges are supposedly compatible with the V2 batteries (not tested)
ePuffer www.epuffer.com has an exciting collection of vaping devices, including electronc cigars and a variety of e-cigs (tested - satisfactory)
The Magic Mist www.themagicmist.com replacement cartidges for all brands, no flavor selection though, just tobacco and menthol (tested - excellent)
Volcano e-cigs www.volcanoecigs.com has great products and I have tested the Inferno taksystem (excellent)
www.myvaporstore.com has all kinds of replacement cartridges, most notably the KR808D1 which is compatible with the V2 batteries - tested, some flavors are okay, mostly a little dry and dissapointing.
There are literally hundred of manufacturers and distributors with a multitude of selections. If you apply the effort, you will find a suitable replcaement for smoking. Don't give up! Your life is at stake!
The following products are not recommended:
regal e-cigs www.getregalcigs.com
DO NOT BUY THIS, IT IS A RIPOFF SCAM. ONCE THEY HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD THEY WILL SHIP ENORMOUSLY EXPENSIVE REPLACEMENTS ON AN ONGOING BASIS see http://www.scambook.com/search/reports?search=Regal+ecigs&sort=date. Regal e-cigs offers a free trial for $4.95 shipping and handling that appears to be without risk. I received my free sample. The device works fine and it is worth the shipping and handling. However, I do not recommend this for a new user, as I found the taste to be horrible and it may turn you off to the vaping experience. Otherwise the product seems okay, but what good is it if it tastes terrible. The free sample comes with 5 tobacco flavor cartridges, but there may be other flavors that are not available in the free trial. Who knows, the other flavors may be good, but why chance it? If the free trial is still available,it may be worth trying, but only as a backup after you have tried one of the above. Proceed at your own risk!
I just today discovered that the v2cig cartridges fit on the Regal batteries. I am not sure of the long-term stability but they do work, making this device a worthwhile purchase if you can get the free trial, just to have an extra backup battery to use with your v2cig cartridges.
Google it and see http://www.scambook.com/search/reports?search=Regal+ecigs&sort=date.
Other Alternatives - I recommend that you keep searching and try anything else that you see online until you find your zone. There are also many alternatives to make your own "juice" combinations of flavors and nicotine strengths. That is probably a time consuming task and would be more like a hobby. I think it is better to get started with the fully assembled commercially available products, and then if you want customization or perhaps to save money, you can move to the DIY categories. If you like the "Makers Fair" at the New York Hall of Science, you will enjoy that process. Let me know on my blog or contact me with your experience.
The #1 product in all categories is the LavaTube available at www.volcanoecigs.com. They just released Version 2.5 which has additional important features such as variable wattage in addition to variable voltage. That variability will help to optimize the experience depending on the heating element setup you prefer and increase the life of the consumables (replacement cartomizers). Update 08/20/14. Just ordered the new BCT Tank from Volcano which promises to be an improvement over the traditional Tube Tank with foolproof no cartridge priming technology. Will update after I try it, but I have used the Inferno BCT Tank and found that to be an improvement. I think this will be better for the novice. Update at 10/2/13. Got the Version 2.5 and have been using it for half a day, still learning but it seems like a major improvement over Version 2.0. Substantially more control and it seems that the voltage and wattage settings properly applied will improve taste and vapor production and will also improve tube tank cartomizer (heating element) life. There is no price increase over Version 2.0.
This is absolutely the best device available on the market today. The LavaTube is the physically largest commercially available vaping device which may pose some discomfort for some users (nearly 8 inches long and 3/4" thick), so most people would need to supplement it with a more portable device for on the go vaping. Had I discovered the LavaTube when I first started my journey into e-cig usage, I would have saved a lot of money. LavaTube is a variable voltage device that you can adjust on the fly to vary the taste and vapor production to your liking. It takes a bit of effort to learn how to use it properly, but the experience makes it well worth it.
So save your money and buy the LavaTube. Pick any color, they all cost the same, with a 7ML chrome tube tank and buy at least 10 extra 3 ohm cartomizer replacements (they vary in useful life, depending on the voltage you use, but they also have a high rate of defect and they don't accept returns on those). It is not cheap but in the end, I cannot imagine that you will not be satisfied. The mini e-cog offerings (like the Volcano Magma e-cig) will not be your best choice to supplement the LavaTube. You will be better off with the v2cigs line of products http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html (use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off).as a supplemental portable device.
I have met some people who have other variable voltage devices, some are more expensive. I have not tested Provari but it comes highly recommended by may pro vapers. Also, you can supplement the LavaTube with the Inferno, which is a similar experience without the variable voltage aspect. I don't bother recommending any other brand at this point. Volcano LavaTube (as well as the inferno) just work well. It's a bit of effort to get the tube tank thing right but well worth it for the experience.
Volcano e-cigs www.volcanoecigs.com
You should benefit from my experience and go straight for the best. It is a little bit of work and sometimes frustrating because of quality and maintenance issues, but tank systems offer the best combination of convenience, taste and duplication of the tobacco smoking experience. (The new BCT Tank promises to solve many of these issues.)Some vapers prefer to "drip" which is much more labor intensive but supposedly a better experience. I do not care for dripping, either in taste or user experience. Even the best popular simple battery and pre-filled cartomizer experience does not come close to tank systems used with quality e-juices.
My current rankings of basic mini e-cig systems are as follows:
#1 v2cigs http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html - use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off. (I am an affiliate)
#2 bluecigs www.blucigs.com (No affiliate relationship) although you may be better off with the Volcano Magma which uses the same threading and can interchange cartridges. bluecigs tend to have short battery life, but their disposables are quite good.
#3 South Beach Smoke http://www.southbeachsmoke.com/?A=2323. (I am an affiliate
)#4 ProSmoke http://www.prosmokestore.com/affiliates/jrox.php?id=480_1. (I am an affiliate)
#5 The Magic Mist - www.themagicmist.com starter kit with Vertigo cartridges, tobacco or menthol only (same battery threads as V2)
#6 e-cig.com http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970 (I am an affiliate)
The purpose of this website is to introduce smokers to the pleasures of vaping and help save lives. My purpose is not to sell e-cigs and I am busy with my day job, so I don't have time to do extensive reviews and tell you about everything. Go searching the web for the best thing for you. Look at all of the products linked on my webite. It is not such an easy task and while you could save money over tobacco cigarette, if you want to keep trying new things to find the ultimate vaping experience, you will spend a bunch of money. However, the rewards are immense. Getting off tobacco smoking while still enjoying the experience to me is well worth the effort and expense. I have introduced the easiest transition but for the ultimate experience, I recommend the tank systems. They provide the best taste and vaping experience, but require effort and even a degree of skill which you will develop over time.This is not a one shot deal. If you try one brand and don't like it and then you give up, this is a pointless exercise. You need to have a strong desire to stop smoking tobacco and you need to be afraid of it.
I highly recommend that you purchase several brands of e-cigs. You have spent many thousands of dollars on cigarettes, so a few hundred more to help you get off of tobacco is a worthwhile investment, for sure. I am not trying to get you to buy more so I can earn commissions, but I will donate my commissions to charities. As far as I am concerned you can go buy them anywhere and any way you want to. I just really want to save lives more than anything. I have seen cigarettes get too many people sick and I don't want to see it any more. Cigarette smoking will be totally passe in a matter of months. My goal is a smoke-free society by the year 2015 but I am optimistic that it will happen sooner. Look, I am 57 years old and I have been smoking since before it was legal for me to do so which back then we did not really know how foolish it was. I really could not give up my pacifier and my nicotine, no matter how much I tried with cold turkey, gums, lozenges and patches. I like Camel snus as a smoking substitute for times I could not smoke, like on a plane, but they are harmful in many ways and no substitute for smoking. E-cigs are the only thing that ever worked for me.
There are several reasons why you should maintain multiple brands: 1) you need to test different brands and decide which one you like the best; 2) you never want to run out of cartridges and sometimes your favorite brand may be unavailable when you need it (the industry is not mature and the sellers really have trouble anticipating demand to carry adequate inventories); 3) you may get bored with your main selection sometimes and be tempted to smoke an analog, having multiple brands will make the process entertaining and fun and; 4) I am not sure that the manufacturing quality is consistant and you may get duds from time to time. I also like to carry several different e-cigs with me at all times, so I can switch off different flavors quickly without removing and replacing cartridges. You need a backup for your e-cigs just as much if not more than you need one for your computer data files. Always think fail-safe! Never be tempted to smoke an analog again! You can carry 4 or five batteries with cartridges of different flavors if you wish and they take up much less space than a pack of cigarettes.
If you are adventurous, try the tank systems, I find those to be the most satisfying alternatives. They are however a lot of work. They are difficult to use properly and prone to malfuntion and leakage, which is why I am reluctant to recommend them to a novice, as I want you to be successful at this. If you are willing to spend money and try new things, please by all means, check out the ego-t tank system http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970 or http://extreme-vapor.com/ and the Volcano e-cigs Magma tank system www.volcanoecigs.com.
I am doing this primarily as a public service and all of my commissions from this website will be donated to charities. Please click my links if you are interested in buying these products. If you shop around at other websites or search engines, I won't get a commission, so please help me reach more smokers. Of course you are under no obligation whatsoever, except to yourself, your health and your family. Use whatever works for you, just get off of tobacco as soon as you can.
v2cigs - http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html - use coupon code wsv110 for 10% off.
Important advice on v2cigs usage: Notwithstanding the fact that v2cigs are, in my opinion, the best mini e-cig on the market today, in order to achieve real success with the product, I strongly advise purchasing e-liquid once you have decided on your favorite flavor. Filling brand new pre-filled cartridges with the same flavor (not necessarily the same nicotine strength) will enhance your vaping experience by multiples. For some users. it may be the difference between success and failure. Read up on the website for instructions on filling cartridges with e-liquid. I have found the "lanyard method" to be the most effective. The entire process is one that you have to learn and grow into. It becomes similar to how you like your coffee, everyone is different.
I received my order on 2/27/12 and the vapor output is nothing short of amazing. This product is a real winner! It also has the best throat hit (the tingle you get in the back of your throat when you smoke tobacco) which really mimics the experience of tobacco smoking. This is a PG based product which I can tell you produces stronger vapors than VG. It sports a blue light which is nice but not quite as classy as the light on the South Beach Smokes. It works great but has dismal cartridge life so I am hard pressed to give it a top rating, even though I believe that I may use this more than any other device I own, unless I experience anything negative from the PG. This is a truly amazing and very cool looking device,
V2 also has the new leak proof sealed EX cartridges. Those last longer and are generally more efficient than traditional pre-filled cartridges, but they are not perfect. In any event, my favorite flavor is coffee and that does not come in the EX line.
V2 now offers the V2 Pro line that has some very cool features including loose leaf (ostensibly there are those who will use it for marijuana maybe, I am not familiar with that) and essential oils (hash oil? I really don't know, just guessing). I ordered one and I am waiting for it to use with traditional e-liquid. Will update after I try it out for a bit.
Get a 10% discount for ALL V2 Cigs merchandise, including kits, cartridges, and accessories by using the coupon code wallstreetvapors or wsv110 . Please use this link http://www.v2cigs.com/4235.html to place your order.
FLAVORS: They offer several flavors that copy popular cigarette brands. I am not a menthol guy so I did not try it. The flavors I have are Sahara which mimics Camel, Red which mimics Marlboro and, Congress which mimics Parliament. I also got Cherry which tastes a bit like cough syrup to me but perhaps I will get used to it. I ordered the Coffee flavor and a Cherry with zero nicotine (my wife liked the taste of the cherry and she does not use nicotine). None of these are real tobacco, but believe me, once you get used to the experience, you will hate the smell of tobacco smoke and the thought of smoking an analog will be repulsive. I tried several other flavors recently. Chocolate is very good and quite similar to the South Beach but stronger. I found Vanilla to be too sweet as well as the Cola. These are all matters of personal taste and if the flavors interest you, you should try them as there is not much to lose. The forums seem to be fairly universal on the fact that these cartidges don't last long. My most recent order has cartridges with improved life. Improved since my first order, but they never life up to the manufacturer claims because every smoker uses it differently.
HEALTH OBSERVATION: The jury is not out yet on the healthiness of the PG (I purposely avoid using the word safety). Earlier, I wrote that I had been coughing a bit while using these, but I think it was something else as the cough went away. There is no point in vaping and coughing, it defeats the purpose to me but I am no longer seriously concerned about it. Still, it is well known that PG is harsher on the throat than VG. I will still use the South Beach for variety and also to compare if the VG is less disturbing than the PG. The promoters of VG (used in South Beach) claim that it is healthier than PG (used in v2cigs) so you should take that into consideration if this brand interests you.
REVIEWS: The reviews of this product are nothing short of incredible. There are many YouTube reviews and they are all positive.
STARTER KITS: The V2 Ultimate Kit that I bought comes with 3 batteries, assorted flavors to of your choice, cases, chargers and a V2 Power Cig device that you need to keep plugged in to your computer to get power (very powerful indeed, super thick vapors).
ACCESSORIES: The carrying cases that come with the starter kits are rather lame and not compatable with all battery sizes. Frankly, all of the carrying cases for all of the e-cigs are a bit silly and an industry will probably crop up to address that, like cell phone cases. I just ordered a new soft carrying case from them that looks like it will be a winner. You can buy an adapter from v2cig for $3.95 that will allow you to attach a v2cig cartridge to your South Beach or the batteries of other listed brands.
AVAILABILITY: They ran out of one or two replacement flavors/strengths that I wanted but I was able to find a suitable substitute. There are alternatives if they run out. V2 (as well as South Beach) compatible cartridges are available on www.themagicmist.com. I tested Magic Mist cartidges for both South Beach and v2cigs. They are not bad, the v2 replacement tasting better than the South Beach imitation. The Magic Mist replacement actually lasts much longer that the V2 branded cartridges, but there is no variety, only tobacco and menthol. Everyone's taste is different, so you may like these better than the originals. I actually much prefer the Magic Mist cartridges over the tobacco flavors of the V2. I prefer the V2 flavors of Coffe, Chocolate and Vanilla, again all a matter of taste. The only tobacco flavor of V2 that I enjoy now is the Sahara and I no longer enjoy Red or Congress.
CONS: None anymore that I can see, at least for me. I previously experienced dismal and inconsistent cartridge life and users on forums also reported the same issue. However, my latest batch is extraordinary and the cartridge life is definitely reasonable. Please do not ever expect the cartridge life to live up to manufacturer claims, they are so higly dependent on smoking habits and they all seem to exaggerate cartridge life. It could very well be that their claims are accurate based on number of puffs or nicotine ingestion. However, you will likely puff more on e-cigs, just because you will not be restricted to occasional smoking breaks, so you will definately be using more. Also, a cartridge may be usable but the taste deteriorates over time, even if it still produces vapor, and that is consistent accross the board with all brands. My estimate is that if you are a pack a day smoker, you will use as many a 3 cartridges a day at a total average cost of $7, maybe 2 if you nurse them. If you purchase a 40 cartridge combo at $65 plus shipping, that comes to less than $2 per cartridge and using 4 per day will still cost less than a pack of cigarettes Still, even if this winds up costing the same as tobacco, you will not regret it. It will definitely not cost more unless you keep buying new toys like I do.
South Beach Smoke http://www.southbeachsmoke.com/?A=2323.
You can also call 1-877-40VAPOR (877-408-2767) Mention Promo Code 2323. This is VG based and it is an excellent vaping experience very similar to actual cigarette smoking, in my opinion. You should get the Deluxe as it is the only way to go with this product. The Deluxe is the two piece design which is considered better that the three piece. Also try the manual battery that enhances the volume of vapor. In my opinion, this is the perfect starter for a novice. Also, while I do enjoy the v2cig more, this is a VG (vegetable glycerin) based product that is much less harsh, which some people may like better. However, as of 3/11/12 they are experiencing seriours supply issues which they promise to be correcting that momentarily.
FLAVORS: I enjoyed the tobacco flavor, but they seem to have changed the formula and I don't care for it now. I have replaced my standing order with the chocolate 16mg full flavor which I have come to enjoy. I also tried the cherry 0 mg no nicotine and I like it very much. It has a robust cherry flavor but of course it has no nicotine. I use the zeros after I have acheived my full nicotine fix, just to placate my oral fixation. I also tried the chocolate 0 mg no nicotine and I found it to be quite bland, not usable to me at all. You need to see for yourself if you like any of the flavors.
TECHNICAL: The light is very classy, made from crystal-like glass with an orange glow that perhaps looks too much like a real cigarette. It is also fragile if dropped on a hard surface (I dropped on on the bathroom floor and the crystal cracked, but it still functions). The carrying case holds both sizes of battery and a mini USB charger that can be plugged into a computer or USB wall adapter, but the portable charging case does not close with the large battery although it does charge it.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: My personal experience with South Beach Smoke is that they have great customer service. They ran out of stock of all types of cartridges for a while but now they have replenished their inventory. I am very lucky that I have other brands to use. This points to another reason why you should own multiple brands of e-cigs, so that you always have a backup and are never tempted to smoke an analog again.
Replacement cartridges are available at www.themagicmist.com that are not the South Beach brand but fit the South beach batteries. The Magic Mist replacement for South Beach is not so great to me but the v2cig replacement is much better and you can jury rig the South Beach to use a v2 cartridge with a $4 device you get from v2 and then use either the v2 or The Magic Mist v2 replacements on the South Beach battery. Sounds complicated? It really is not, it just requires a little bit of thinking and planning.
OTHER DETAILS: It seems that you can't lose with this, because if you don't like their cartidges or they are out of stock, you can buy an adapter from v2cig for $3.95 that will allow you to attach a v2cig cartridge to your South Beach battery, very cool indeed. It works with a v2cig cartridge but the experience is not as good as a straight compatible battery. Smokers don't have patience, but this process does require patience until you find your zone.
ProSmoke http://www.prosmokestore.com/affiliates/jrox.php?id=480_1.
I have developed a new appreciation for ProSmoke as their flavors are quite nice. Their flavors all taste like nicely flavored mild pipe tobacco or flavored cigars, not just like tuty fruity like other brands. This is a smaller device (mini e-cig) with a blue light so it is obviously not a cigarette. It is also VG based. It produces a lot of vapor but the feeling may not be enough like smoking for some users, as I never noticed a "throat hit" sensation. Also, you need to draw quite hard to build up a reasonable cloud of vapor. I enjoy them in between South Beach and V2 uses.
FLAVORS:They have great flavors but there is confusion in that the cartridges all look the same and have no flavor or strength labels. They have announced that they have corrected this problem with new shipments that will have color coded corks. This does not solve the problem as once you place the cartridge on the device, there is no visual way to tell what flavor it is. I did not like the tobacco flavor but the other flavors are excellent. I ordered some non-nicotine cartridges so I will use this more for just puffing around upon reaching nicotine saturation. My wife likes the non-nicotine cartridges as a substitute for her sugary lollipop habit. I found no noticable difference in taste between the full nicotine cartridges and those with no nicotine.
TECHNICAL: This is a three piece design that requires cleaning. It has a long battery life and is a 3 piece design rather than 2 piece like most other brands. I am beginning to appreciate the three piece design as the atomizer is designed to last a long time versus the two piece design (the cartidges are thus called "Cartomizers" combining the words "cartridge" and "atomizer".
COST: ProSmoke is the hands down winner in this category. The cartridges last a long time and because of the three piece design and the fact that the cartidges do not need an atomizer, the cartridges cost like 18% to 30% less than other brands.
If you are a heavy smoker, maybe this should not be your first choice, but it tastes good and is a worthwhile toy. The cartidge and battery life are both outstanding. I use this around 20% of the time and I prefer to use it while driving as it is small, light and the flavors have a nice but subtle scent. This is more the device I use for no-nicotine vaping as the flavors and feel are virtually identical to the nicotine cartridges, sans the nicotine.
eGo Tank System
I ordered a starter kit from http://extreme-vapor.com/. This is a whole different trip than e-cigs from an appearance and convenience perspective. It is a substantially larger pen-like device, sort of like a tapered shape cigar with a pipe like tip and it uses e-liquid instead of cartridges. They are a U.S. based supplier and are very responsive with excellent delivery times, This is something to pick up once you have experience if you like to fuss.
My initial testing indicates that this device produces tremendous vapor. At first it tasted absolutely horrible to me. Then I discovered that the taste appears to have come from the emission of fumes in the packing materials, not a really good thing for such a taste sensitive product. It requires break-in. I have just used it for a few days. I aired it our and started to break it in. I must say that the vapor production is extraordinary. The taste of the e-liquids they sent are actually quite good now that the device is broken in. You are not stuck with extreme-vapor and you can purchase e-liquids elsewhere to your liking. Remember, this product requires a break-in period and considerable fussing, all of which I think are worth the trouble.
Extreme Vapor does not have an affiliate program and I will not earn a commission, but I think it is a great product if you don't mind fussing with liquids and a power button. I don't like to use it while driving as it is not automatic. If you like a strong vapor and you enjoy smoking while driving v2cigs may be a better choice.
e-cig.com http://www.e-cig.com/shopping/shopaff.asp?affid=970
I ordered a USB e-cig that you basically can only use while it is plugged in, but promises an uninterrupted and powerful vaping experience (similar to the V2 Power Cig described above). They have many other interesting e-cig products and unique custom cartridge combinations. They offer a combination of PG and VG, as well as both separately. They claim the combination enhances the experience. They are in China and it takes a long time to get delivery, but they have a very wide selection of products. I ended up with an imitation of Marlboro without nicotine and I don't quite remember ordering non-nicotine. It tastes like some kind of sweet desert you might get in a Chinese restaurant and I can't quite place the flavor, sort of a sweet spice, nothing like Marlboro to me. This device is nowhere near as effective as the V2cigs Power Cig, The cord is quite short and the device looks cheap. The vapor is very strong. The main reason to go with this are the flavor varieties. They also have regular portable e-cig devices. There is a huge selection of flavors and strength combinations and they even have herbal and vitamin infused cartridges. I just don't have the time or resources to keep buying and trying more.
blu cig www.blucigs.com
I removed bluecigs from my not recommended list. I was originally dissapointed but it seems that the starter kit had contaminated cartridges due to the fact that assorted flavors were packed together. I ordered a basic starter kit to try it. Lots of publicity around this brand. You can buy a disposable at Walgreens so it could make it easy to try. They are very efficient in their order processing and seem to be faster than the other guys in delivery. They are nice looking cute little things, even smaller than ProSmoke and generate reasonable vapors, I had originally planned to return the starter kit under the 30 day money back guarantee, but instead I ordered new cartridges and I like them. If you want to try it, go ahead but if you can order only one flavor, you will stand a better chnace of having success with this brand, I do believe that V2cigs are far superior.
Electronic Pipe - At www.lingosbox.com, I ordered the Stylish Electronic Pipe in Deluxe Package (E-Pipe 601). I highly recommend this product but it may be in your best interest to shop for it elsewhere. You need to Google e-pipe and see all of the brands and reviews. Lot's of You Tube reviews (http://youtu.be/72S4lhXNl80)
I used to smoke a pipe many years ago and I am excited to try a healthier alternative now.It finally arrived exactly one month after I ordered it. It is quite a remarkable vaping device. Very nice looking, just like a real tobacco pipe (which I think is a plus in the case of a pipe, a minus with an e-cig as socially, vaping is more acceptable than cigarette smoking, but using a pipe is a rather private endeavor). It is a bit too heavy for me and really cannot be held in the mouth. You must hold it in your hand, not ideal for driving but nice to kick back on a lounge chair in slippers and a smoking jacket like Fred McMurray. Just using the battery with the existing pre-charge, the vapor production is good. Most remarkable is the taste of the cartridges it came with. Amazingly like woody flavor pipe tobacco and to me no discernable difference. The extras they sent were Apple, not Tobacco as I had ordered, but I was pleasantly surprised that the flavor is also outstanding.
While they have good prices, their delivery times to the U.S. are really slow. Furthermore, it was delivered with a Asian style electrical plug. If you travel a lot and have electrical travel adapters you will be okay, otherwise you will need to make a trip to your local luggage store to get one. This may not be a problem unique to Lingosbox, I don't know about other sellers. Their delivery times are absolutely insanely long and if you want a pipe quickly, I recommend that you look for someone who ships from the USA with shorter delivery times. I am willing to wait an extra week sometimes, but a full month is beyond anything reasonable and I cannot recommend the seller, unless you just want it for the novelty and are willing to wait to get the lower price.
A possible better U.S. based alternative supplier www.store.e-cigarette-usa.com/Electronic-Pipe_c13.htm. I placed an order for replacement cartridges and I will let you know how it works out. I also applied for an affiliate relationship and I am awaiting approval. They also have the eGo Tank System mentioned above and all accessories and reasonable prices.
Electronic Cigars - There are also e-cigars on the market, but they originally did not excite me much, they look like wooden sticks. At least the pipes really look like pipes. I ultimately did purchase an electronic cigar and I found the taste to be quite authentic Try www.store.e-cigarette-usa.com/
Other products worth looking at, some that I tested, others waiting on orders and some that I just looked at online. I want to help ensure your success in this process so I recommend you keep trying until you find satisfaction. At the moment, I do not have any affiliate relationship with the following vendors and no commissions are earned from them:
Vapor4Life www.vapor4life.com/home.php cartridges are supposedly compatible with the V2 batteries (not tested)
ePuffer www.epuffer.com has an exciting collection of vaping devices, including electronc cigars and a variety of e-cigs (tested - satisfactory)
The Magic Mist www.themagicmist.com replacement cartidges for all brands, no flavor selection though, just tobacco and menthol (tested - excellent)
Volcano e-cigs www.volcanoecigs.com has great products and I have tested the Inferno taksystem (excellent)
www.myvaporstore.com has all kinds of replacement cartridges, most notably the KR808D1 which is compatible with the V2 batteries - tested, some flavors are okay, mostly a little dry and dissapointing.
There are literally hundred of manufacturers and distributors with a multitude of selections. If you apply the effort, you will find a suitable replcaement for smoking. Don't give up! Your life is at stake!
The following products are not recommended:
regal e-cigs www.getregalcigs.com
DO NOT BUY THIS, IT IS A RIPOFF SCAM. ONCE THEY HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD THEY WILL SHIP ENORMOUSLY EXPENSIVE REPLACEMENTS ON AN ONGOING BASIS see http://www.scambook.com/search/reports?search=Regal+ecigs&sort=date. Regal e-cigs offers a free trial for $4.95 shipping and handling that appears to be without risk. I received my free sample. The device works fine and it is worth the shipping and handling. However, I do not recommend this for a new user, as I found the taste to be horrible and it may turn you off to the vaping experience. Otherwise the product seems okay, but what good is it if it tastes terrible. The free sample comes with 5 tobacco flavor cartridges, but there may be other flavors that are not available in the free trial. Who knows, the other flavors may be good, but why chance it? If the free trial is still available,it may be worth trying, but only as a backup after you have tried one of the above. Proceed at your own risk!
I just today discovered that the v2cig cartridges fit on the Regal batteries. I am not sure of the long-term stability but they do work, making this device a worthwhile purchase if you can get the free trial, just to have an extra backup battery to use with your v2cig cartridges.
Google it and see http://www.scambook.com/search/reports?search=Regal+ecigs&sort=date.
Other Alternatives - I recommend that you keep searching and try anything else that you see online until you find your zone. There are also many alternatives to make your own "juice" combinations of flavors and nicotine strengths. That is probably a time consuming task and would be more like a hobby. I think it is better to get started with the fully assembled commercially available products, and then if you want customization or perhaps to save money, you can move to the DIY categories. If you like the "Makers Fair" at the New York Hall of Science, you will enjoy that process. Let me know on my blog or contact me with your experience.